AUS200 - Australia 200 Cash Index
- Low:
- |
- High:
- Spread:
Swap Short:
-0.18 Points
Swap Long:
-3.42 Points
AUS200 Trading Chart
About AUS200
The S&P/ASX 200 index is a float-adjusted stock market index of stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Standard & Poor's maintains this index and is considered the benchmark for Australian equity performance. 200 largest Australian listed stocks are on this index. With a value of 3133.3 the S&P/ASX 200 started on 31 March 2000.
Global IndicesAUS200
DescriptionAustralia 200 Cash Index
Used Margin1% of Contract Size
Contract Size1
Swap Long-3.42
Minimum Lot Size0.1
Swap Short-0.18